Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Temple experts ready to kick some swine flu ass.

The Temple Times had a nice story today that has your back on the swine flu jawn. Check it out to be informed by a number of Temple faculty members on all aspects of the disease. Want their numbers? Check out the listings provided by the article below. Are their numbers real? We wanna find out. Post a comment to this story about which person we should call and what question we should ask, and we'll pick the most interesting one and do it tomorrow and post the results.

"Laszlo Otvos, research professor in biology at Temple University and an expert in vaccine development, can discuss the basic science behind vaccines.Otvos is currently in Hungary, but can be reached by cell phone; call Eryn Jelesiewicz at 215-294-8878 for contact information."

"Thomas Fekete, M.D., section chief of infectious diseases at Temple University School of Medicine and Hospital, can break down the minute-by-minute information coming out on swine flu. Fekete can be reached at 215-707-1982. He is unavailable noon to 1 p.m. EST." Apparently, even doctors eat.

"Alice Hausman, Ph.D., directs the Center for Preparedness Research, Education and Practice, a multi-disciplinary center that brings faculty from across the university to address emergency preparedness. Hausman can be reached via the news office at 215-707-1583."

"Deborah Nelson, Ph.D., directs the master's program in epidemiology at the College of Health Professions, and studies the distribution of disease and injury in human populations. Nelson can talk about the influenza virus, how it's spread, who is most vulnerable, and can offer observations/suggestions/reactions from a public health standpoint. Nelson can be reached at 215-204-9659."

"Sarah Bass, Ph.D., associate professor of public health and director of the undergraduate program in public health, has expertise is in risk communication, how information is disseminated during a pandemic, and the public's attitudes towards such information, particularly as it applies to vaccinations and quarantines. She can talk about how information has been given to the public thus far, and health information and its relationship to feelings of self efficacy and patient behavior. Bass can be reached at 215-204-5110."

"Several antiviral drugs, which had been stockpiled for avian flu, are available as possible treatments for swine flu, said Albert Wertheimer, professor of pharmacy administration, but no one knows with 100 percent certainty if they’ll be effective. Wertheimer, an international authority in pharmacoeconomics and the pharmaceutical industry, can comment on the availability and effectiveness of therapies for swine flu as well as the impact of the current outbreak on pharmaceutical business. He can be reached by phone at 215-707-1291 or by e-mail at albert.wertheimer@temple.edu."

Oh yea by the way that shit's in Jersey.

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