Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Boring Tuesday.

: Mid to high 80's, sunny during the day, dipping into the 60's with a chance of rain overnight.

While you were sleeping: The Temple News ran its newest addition on the web. I don't know who it is that updates their site between 2:30 and 8:30 am, but get some sleep yo.

Good stuff from the Temple Today:

Temple University Sinfonia: 7:30 p.m. Tomlinson Theater. Andre Raphel Smith, guest conductor. Joyce Lindorff, harpsichord. Sponsored by the Boyer College of Music and Dance.


Faculty Awards Convocation: Noon. Mitten Hall, Great Court. The Faculty Awards Convocation honors Temple's Great Teachers. Open to: Students, faculty and staff. For more information, call 215-204-1636 or e-mail specialevents@temple.edu.

You know who won't be there? Mr. Contract.

"End of the Year Residence Hall Recycling Drive": Through May 13. Clothing, shoes, electronics and office/art supplies are being collected in the lobbies of Johnson Hall, Hardwick Hall, Peabody Hall and 1940. Clothing is being collected in the lobbies of James S. White Hall, 1300 and Elmira Jefferies.

Make captain planet proud.

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