Weather: 50 and rainy.
Good stuff from the Temple Today:
"Take Back The Night": 4:45-7 p.m. Founder's Garden. Event includes a march and speak-out against sexual violence, and performances by Temple student musicians and spoken word artists. For more information, contact the HEART Office at 215-204-8436 or
Computer Recycling "Spring to Reuse Event": Computer Recycling is offering a special through April 24: get a free Dell or Gateway 17-inch CRT (cathode ray tube) monitor with the request of a refurbished desktop or tower computer. Offer valid for first-time buyers. Open to: Students, faculty and staff. To order, visit Computer Recycling's online webstore.
If you need a new comp this is the best detail. My old roommate got a pretty fast mac last year, with screen for less than 200.
Sports: men's tennis @ La Salle @ 3, women's lacrosse @ Villanova @ 6.
Tonight's big story is the passing of Phillies announcer Harry Kalas. Kalas, 73, collapsed in the media box in Washington D.C. before the Phillies game against the Nationals. He died shortly thereafter. Kalas has been calling baseball games for over 40 years and was known as the voice of Phillies baseball. On today's radio broadcast the
Check out this article on Kalas by Temple prof and journalist George Miller.
Spring fling weather update: Not looking too good. has it as a 60% chance of rain and 51 degrees. Keep your fingers crossed.
In other news from Temple, the Temple News has a new edition out, and with that comes some interesting stories:
Temple student Brian Romanelli was placed on disciplinary probation until next winter and given 20 community service hours by UDC for......taking pictures. Of cops on broad street making an arrest. Now, the C&W is no jury and judge, and maybe this kid was being disrespectful, but if the situation played out as he described it in the article, it's a little ridiculous. Check out his pictures here.
The TTN calls out Temple's ad campaign, and backs it up with some good numbers, like the fact that they are ya know, potentially throwing away $115,000 for a kinda worthless ad campaign during, ya know, an economic recession that they state is the reason they can't raise wages or send kids on out of state travel, not even to Cherry Hill.
Spring fling band line-up!
"11:00 Sound Check- probably not a band
11:10 Temple Singer/Songwriters and Musicians
11:15 Associacion de Estudiantes Latinos
11:30 Infinien Band
12:20 Temple Gospel Ministries
12:30 Case of the Mondays
1:20 Mudslingers
1:45 Wailing Waters
2:35 Temple Juggling Club
2:45 Latin Ballroom Dance
3:00 The Right Coast"
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