Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Humpday. Is. Over.

Closing in on the end of the second humpday of the year, and the official start of the college weekend, Thursday.

Today was a rather slow news day, which gave us time to catch up on a few things.

Make sure to check out the interview with TSG president Kylie Patterson below. Hard-working and with a sense of humor? Can't lose.

Make sure to check out the BAC for their link and comments on a profile of Ann Weaver Hart featured on She likes Meryl Streep and modern decor? Who knew? Who cares?

Also, take a look at the C&W's new twitter page. Yea twitter is kinda weird, and we probably will hardly ever use it, but oh well, can't fight against the youth.

So that's pretty much all the news for today, and we leave you with your moment of zen, a Temple supporter at the Philly naked bike ride.

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